Initial status of central filter tank before oil skimmer installation 最初的狀況
Initial status with thick tramp oil and mud damaged pump system seriously. 高濃度廢油有損泵浦
The condition improved greatly after Genau oil skimmer installed.
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Before our skimmer was installed, the pump of the central filter tank must be replaced once a month for damage. The pump had large noise, low flow volume and vibration monthly after renewed. The surface of coolant had very thick tramp oil floating on above without skimmer.
For improving this situation, the floating vacuum sucker skimmer was adopted. But the very dirty and sticky tramp oil made the vacuum system failed quickly about 5 minutes and then worker spent 15 minutes to clean pipe, valve and chamber etc. Then the same process repeated again for the pipe blocked by this dirty tramp oil. The chief wished a solution to solve this trouble.
Our multi-step oil skimmer can carry out not only the tramp oil, the silt or mud attached with oil can also be removed smoothly. You can see the different versions of our front plate channels on improvement. When there was still a lot mud contained, the big hole on front plate channel can be open to remove mud. After a period of using, the cutting coolant becomes clean and the pump do NOT need to replace so frequently. The life of pump is extended due to our multi-step skimmer.
原本未配置油水分離機的中央過濾系統, 於加裝我司油水機後, 排出大量淤泥及廢油, 大幅改善切削液品質.